Interested in helping us make a difference?
We have a number of “jobs” that we are looking to fill — transportation drivers, quarantine volunteers and fosters, to name a few.
Please consider volunteering a few hours a month — the reward is priceless!
The first step in volunteering with us is the completion and submission of a volunteer application.
An online form has been provided → HERE
For PDF format, click the link below and follow instructions below:
Sato Heart Volunteer Application
Please download the Volunteer Application to your computer and email it as an attachment to: satoheartvolunteers@gmail.com.
Help make a difference and sign up
to volunteer today!
Contact our Volunteer Coordinator at: satoheartvolunteers@gmail.com.

Please note: Children under 13 years of age are not permitted in the quarantine area. Children 13+ must be accompanied by an adult.

Always need donations for medical care, food, transports and dog supplies!
Help us spread the word and share us on your social media platforms!

Earn donations by walking your dog at no cost to you! Download the Wooftrax app on your smartphone and start walking!